Articles related to marketing
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Search engine optimization and marketing services in Marbella
Two main goals of internet marketing are: to increase overall website visitor amount and targeted traffic (amount of visitors that are looking for products or services you offer).SEO involves analyzing how search engines work, what people are looking for, structuring and programming, optimizing content and fixing errors that might prevent indexing.
Page tags: search engine | marketing | seo | site | services
Real estate website design for agency in Mijas with online marketing support
We have been contacted by Bona Fide Costa real estate agency in Mijas to design and develop a new real estate website based on Wordpress according to their design and SEO marketing specifications.Different versions of the design were presented to the agency and once approved website was developed based on our latest Wordpress based real estate software orignally equipped with fully automated Resales Online XML feed importer with multilingual and mobile/tablet support.
Page tags: real estate | marbella | develop | marketing | design | website | software | wordpress | xml
Static pages on your website
If you will search for search engine marketing in Google and look at URLs of first 10 web sites, you will notice that many extensions are present. This indicates that search engines don't really care about extension used as long as the page represents useful information for the reader.
Page tags: seo | web design | marketing | search engine | web applications | dynamic
Wordpress website designers
We are a group of freelance designers and developers based in Marbella and Málaga, Costa del Sol offering modern exclusive web design as well as graphic design, responsive search engine friendly website development, content management solutions, marketing, web based apps and web hosting.Websites that we develop are fully editable using Wordpress web based content manager extended with our propiertary plugins that we can develop or adapt on request.
Page tags: marbella | design | real estate | wordpress | develop | marketing | e-commerce | business | mobile | cms | services | hosting | smooth step
Guide to website design and construction
Pure flash based sites are almost entirely invisible to search engines; such approach is should only be used to promote well known brands that do not require SEO marketing.
Page tags: web design | search engine | marketing | flash | web applications | dynamic | site | corporate
Frequently asked questions
Yes, our content manager is designed for search engine marketing. You will be able to update meta tags, content headlines, image and link titles.
Page tags: web design | marketing | site | management | cms
Content rich multi lingual websites ready for business
Medium package is designed for those who want content rich website to promote their business online using search engine marketing.
Page tags: business | web design | search engine | marketing | hosting
Resales Online Ajax API integration to SmoothStep Real Estate Website Software
Our Real Estate software Ajax API integration is designed to be SEO friendly:marketing.
Page tags: real estate | design | wordpress | develop | marketing | software | ajax api | xml | cms | photos | search engine
Custom website design and development services in Costa del Sol
Website services annd products.
Page tags: web design | site | develop | marbella | design | services | marketing | gallery
Related Web pages
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Panda online clothing shop theme
Panda is a multipurpose responsive fashion Prestashop template bundled with many modern web design features.
MDCI Real estate project management website upgrade
We were hired to upgrade their old website using two customized Wordpress templates of their choice – One for website header and other for the content.
Realhomes Real Estate template
Realhomes Wordpress template comes with open source real estate management solution packed with many useful features.
Our service is not limited to these examples; we can install and customize any website template of your choice.
WP-Real Estate 7 template
WP Real Estate 7 is a popular Wordpress template with integrated real estate manager.