Website optimization
for search engines
Two main goals of internet marketing are: to increase overall website visitor amount and targeted traffic (amount of visitors that are looking for products or services you offer).
Analyzing your business needs

SEO involves analyzing how search engines work, what people are looking for, structuring and programming, optimizing content and fixing errors that might prevent indexing.
To achieve best results in website ranking search engine marketing strategy is prepared before the site is constructed.
We only perform ethical search engine marketing (optimization techniques that are approved by major search engines in their guidelines) that produces long term visitor increase without risks of being penalized or even removed from their listings.
SEO strategy

Our marketing services go far beyond search engine guidelines; we prepare accessible sites ensuring that the content is well indexed and eventually ranked, also being attractive to the client.
Optimization and marketing can be applied to already existing sites. We manually review each page determining if its source code is efficient and search engine friendly (complies with web standards). Most websites only need slight changes; older ones are often reprogrammed entirely. Wrong content selection, ineffective programming practices (such as use of text in Flash document, abused syntax, etc.) and lack of promotion are the main down performing factors in search engine indexing and ranking.

Content optimization relevancy
We usually start SEO by reviewing web content and evaluating what relevant search terms are worth to be optimized to increase both volume and quality of web traffic (competitive market research).
Our research also includes determining direct competitors and the amount of effort that is needed to reach top positions on search engine listings.

Quality programming source code
Web design technology offers many different options to build a good looking web site. Modern web browsers are based on interpreted compiling architecture that displays pages correctly even if source code is missing crucial elements.
This gives no worries to the visitor but in many cases prevents web site from search engine indexing.

Web promotion popularity
Even if the site is designed and programmed correctly, search engines will not trust its content until certain popularity is gained. Search engines calculate website popularity by evaluating the quality of inbound links it has from other relevant and popular sites.
We offer quality link building as a part of our professional search engine marketing service.
Website statistics Performance monitoring
Google Analytics
We use web based analytic software made by Google to gather data about daily visitor activity. From collected information we prepare reports and determine what pages are performing better than others and if visitors find the site with any relevant search terms
Web performance
After performance is evaluated low performing pages are usually rewritten and rebuilt to improve overall quality. Weak pages tend to significantly affect overall web site performance by lowering the conversion rate (percentage of visitors that do a beneficial task, like purchase or contact form submission)
Request our SEO services
If you are looking for professional website optimization to increase website traffic - Consider choosing our SEO services.