Articles related to management

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Real estate website designed using our new administration software

Real estate management plugin has many modern features designed to ease the administration. Photo manager allows choosing a selection of photos and uploading them all in one go, the uploaded photos can then be rearranged visually by dragging their thumbnails to the desired location.

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SEO friendly photo management plugin

Photo gallery extension allows web based photo management using Smooth Step CMS.Below you will find an example of Smooth Step CMS photo gallery extension - few interesting photos that we have taken.

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Customizable database management system

Visit our contact page Smooth Step DB™ is a web based software designed for database management. It has been put together recently; however the engine has been developed since 2007.

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SEO friendly, no recurring fees

Our real estate property management software comes with server based photo resizer. You will be able to upload photos of any size and they will be resized to fit property listings design, galleries and the slideshow.

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Web based invoicing software design & development

Electronic invoicing website design and software development.

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CMS based news manager

Web based news aggregator.

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Frequently asked questions


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Edit your website with ease

We design editable web sites based on our content management systems (CMS) that allow updating web content directly from a web browser..

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Related Web pages

Check other Smooth Step articles related to management.

Panda online clothing shop theme

Panda is a multipurpose responsive fashion Prestashop template bundled with many modern web design features.

Panda Eccomerce features & demo »

MDCI Real estate project management website upgrade

We were hired to upgrade their old website using two customized Wordpress templates of their choice – One for website header and other for the content.

Web design upgrade »

Realhomes Real Estate template

Realhomes Wordpress template comes with open source real estate management solution packed with many useful features.

Real estate template features & demo »


Our service is not limited to these examples; we can install and customize any website template of your choice.

More about economic »

WP-Real Estate 7 template

WP Real Estate 7 is a popular Wordpress template with integrated real estate manager.

WP-Real Estate 7 features & demo »