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Web design ready for mobile devices

Web & application support
for handheld devices

Web design

We create quality design & develop
high end interactive websites

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using our web design & development services

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Our websites are developed to work on various devices


Designing smooth websites and intelligent
web based systems in Marbella since 2007
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Website and application development

Our team develops custom websites and web applications based on PHP7, MySQL, HTML5 and Javascript.

Web apps - Popularity and availability

Our web developers desk

Web based application is a type of computer software that is installed and executed on the web server and accessed via internet using web browser.

Web applications are getting more and more popular because without distributing and installing the software itself, vast amount of clients can access its services via internet.

Web based applications that we do

Web development services

During years of work we have developed a variety of web applications for different puropses, such as content and real esate management. online invoicing. PDF rendering etc.

Most of our latest apps feature asynchronous interactive design via Ajax and jSon technologies. It allows continuous exchanging small amounts of data with the server so that entire web page doesn't have to be reloaded with every request, making them very fast and reliable even on slow internet connections.

Flexible product management

If a searchable catalog of products (or simply images) is needed, we develop database driven web applications that consist of management and output parts.

Web based database management software - allows adding, editing and removing items by logging in to a restricted area of the web site.

Searchable output - provides static product pages and search on the website.

Product manager

Custom client management

Client management consists of a searchable list of clients where you'll be able to edit database data (for administration).

Service also provides special applications on the website where visitors are able to create their accounts and manage personal tasks (buy a product, save shopping cart etc.)

Smooth Step DB 

Web based content management

A good web application example is our web based content management software, which allows editing website's content without having any special knowledge of internal coding.

Smooth Step CMS comes with variety of plugins that allow to perform advanced tasks like news section, RSS output.

Smooth Step CMS

User friendly real estate software

We have developed real estate software and integrated it to our content management system. Each property is added to its unique page allowing search engine friendly URLs, meta titles and descriptions. In Smooth Step CMS these property pages will have tabs where you will be able to add property description, photos and features.

Real estate software 

Innovative custom applications

Mortgage calculator software calculates monthly fee for the loan to be paid using specific formulas and parameters (interest rate and years of loaning). We have several mortgage calculators available. Weather forecast application contacts third party weather station to gather current weather conditions and 7 day weather forecast to display on the website. We have two distinct versions of weather forecasts available.

Automated database aggregation

We have developed tools to automatically gather product details and images from any provider and create a separate internal database that generates internal search engine friendly pages on the site. This method allows creating database from old product/property listings on the website. Once database is created it can be configured to provide custom product listing and administration service that is independent on listings used.

We can also develop custom web based software that is not mentioned in this page.

Internal technology

Web based applications are mostly database driven, allowing storage and manipulation of large amounts of information.

Large database driven websites are based on two (sometimes even more if demand is high) web servers one of which is responsible for application tasks and the other one for database storage and manipulations.

Interface and communication

There are two main internal parts of any web application: set of tasks to be performed on the server and interface and communication with remote user / administrator that is using a web browser. Client and server side scripting is a combination of various programming and communication technologies (such as HTML, ASP/PHP, SQL, Java Script, XML, AJAX) that assure interactive experience.

Articles related to web applications

Request our web based applications

If you are looking for web application developers who could create interactive design that provides valuable services for your web site, help you to choose and customize the real estate software, simply fill in the form below and we will be glad to help.

Visit our contact page 

Related Web pages

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BunnikTours PDF app, Australia

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Server side website caching

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About us

We had time to experiment with various web design technologies, developing our own web applications: Content management system, news aggregator, RSS communicators (weather forecasts) and others.

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Platform monitoring

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Web application performance tuning »

Real estate software

Our Real Estate software is developed to handle large websites with thousands of multilingual properties and a high amount of daily visitors.

SEO friendly real estate manager »