Articles related to web based
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Edit your website with ease
Smooth Step CMS™ is a fully web based AJAX software meaning that no additional installations besides a web browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox or similar) is needed. Smooth Step CMS solution was installed for each new website we had build; at the moment we mostly use Wordpress because of its large variety of third party plugins which help to reduce development costs.
Page tags: cms | products | gallery | develop | web based | photos | software | content manager | smooth step | edit | management | explorer | firefox | clients
Guide to web based email service
There are many free web based email providers; however they offer email addresses that include their domain name. Free email providers often include ads to their service, sometimes ads are also sent together with every email message.
Page tags: email | web based | services | business | servers
Web based invoicing software design & development
Spanish website eFacturas Online designed and developed by our team offers a web based software to manage electronic invoices according to European Union standards. First the site is designed for general information about the processes and procedures of the e-invoicing and once the software will be finished it will offer online invoicing and billing.
Page tags: database | pdf | invoice | management | web based | ajax | website | design | development | professional
Dynamic website development advantages
Modern dynamic websites come equipped with web based content management solution or simply CMS. It provides restricted area on the website where one can edit each page, add entirely new pages and upload photos.
Page tags: dynamic | develop | real time | search engine | database | marbella | website | business | products | site | web based
Customizable database management system
Smooth Step DB™ is a web based software designed for database management. It has been put together recently; however the engine has been developed since 2007.
Page tags: database | management | products | web based | windows | search | security | dynamic
Editable website solution
Both Wordpress and Smooth Step CMS is fully web based meaning that no additional software besides a web browser (Internet Explorer, FireFox or similar) is needed..
Page tags: content manager | develop | cms | web based | photos | edit | browser | solution | products | site | explorer | firefox
Related Web pages
Check other Smooth Step articles related to web-based.
Panda online clothing shop theme
Panda is a multipurpose responsive fashion Prestashop template bundled with many modern web design features.
MDCI Real estate project management website upgrade
We were hired to upgrade their old website using two customized Wordpress templates of their choice – One for website header and other for the content.
Realhomes Real Estate template
Realhomes Wordpress template comes with open source real estate management solution packed with many useful features.
Our service is not limited to these examples; we can install and customize any website template of your choice.
WP-Real Estate 7 template
WP Real Estate 7 is a popular Wordpress template with integrated real estate manager.