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Based on our custom website design and proprietary real estate software with multiple XML feed import.
We have been discussing with an American real estate company to design and develop their new real estate website optimized for US market where properties are automatically imported from various agencies in different currencies and search is performed in US dollars.
They opted for a modern easy to use design integrating header slideshows, animations, advanced search by different features, clean real estate listings and busy full property description page with modern photo gallery, description and features in mixed 2 and 3 columns. All sections of the website are fully optmiized for mobile and tabled devices.
One of key client requests was that all parts of the website should be easily editable from backend. Being experts in Wordpress based website development we made sure that all text is editable also implementing many optimizations for easy website editing such as automatic featured real estate slideshow in website header generated from whichever properties are marked in Featured category.
Real estate search features easy to use price range selector, all other fields can be selected with a few clicks, no typing required. We have also implemented an expandable advanced search where it is possible to filter properties by different set of features such as communal/private pool and sea views, proximity to the beach etc.
One of the most important website features is our latest fully automated XML real estate feed importer working in backend. Each morning it downloads latest XML real estate feeds from different agencies, updates currency conversion rates and imports properties to a unified real estate search system on the website. Importer is using our advanced import algorithms creating all the required property locations, types and features as they become available.
Check other Smooth Step articles related to real estate, Wordpress and exclusive.
Our real estate software is developed to provide additional speed by caching real estate listings and details data for certain amount of time, very important to prevent website slowdown when there are many repetitive requests when website is being indexed by different search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and others.
Website features our exclusive design, header with animated text, different real estate sections with scrolling animation, two different property search panels on website header, static SEO marketing pages with mixed content and property listings and much more.
Home page features their most important properties, real estate categories and a list of services with minimalistic buttons and modern icons.
All properties are managed from a dedicated Wordpress section which displays real estate listings where each property can be searched by reference and edited.
Once the site is developed, we issue a serial number to permanently activate our real estate software for the domain.