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We create quality design & develop
high end interactive websites

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Our websites are developed to work on various devices


Designing smooth websites and intelligent
web based systems in Marbella since 2007
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Web design ready for mobile devices

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Web design

Economic Collegium Musicum website development

We have just finished developing a new Wordpress based website for Collegium Musicum choir and orchestra situated here in Costa del Sol.

Economic web design

Since Collegium Musicum is a non lucrative organization with a limited budget we offered economic website design to use a modified Rosa website template. This allowed developing a complex multilingual mobile friendly website for a fraction of the cost.

Latest web development techniques

Website is using a very modern web design approach where entire sections are automatically joined into long pages separated by full screen photos with parallax and scrolling text animations. Automatic scrolling has been implemented to access individual pages from the menu.

Main website features

Multi column website layout

Wordpress has been improved with ability to mix two and three column layouts on the same page. This allows creating good looking mobile friendly pages mixing text, photos and photo galleries on different columns.

Photo galleries and full screen preview for all photos

Website administrator allows adding photo galleries with full screen photo preview on any page.

Full screen preview has been implemented on all other photos as well, useful when viewing past flyers etc.

Blog, soloists, direction staff, concerts and downloads

Collegium Musicum website offers pages for soloists and direction staff, tables with concert listings, video and download area as well as beautifully designed Wordpress blog, PayPal donation and many other features specially tailored for client requirements.

Music website design for Collegium Musicum orchestra in Costa del Sol

Website: www.colmus.org

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Related Web pages

Check other Smooth Step articles related to costa del sol, web design and Wordpress.


If your company needs high quality graphic design you can check our portfolio that includes logo design, flyers and brochure, business cards, web design and other available designs at affordable prices.

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High end laser engraved business cards for Smooth Step Web Design

After trying different laser intensity, speed and pulse width settings we were able to print eurorack panels over anodized alluminum as well as 3 types of business cards designed to promote our web design and development services in Marbella.

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IMS Mortgages website design and development

We have upgraded this content driven website with a new exclusive design; both header, content and footer has been redesigned from scratch using latest web design technologies and tendencies for a fresh modern look.

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Apart of exclusive design we offer cost efficient website solutions based on predesigned templates, such websites are not unique but with over 10 years of experience in web design and development business we can customize them or even change their design completely maintaining the management software.

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Web development

If you are interested in our web design services, fill our contact form below and we will help you to define clear structure, write content, design and develop your website.

Web development guide »