Articles related to label

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Red wine bottle labels designed for a distributor from Málaga

A couple of red wine bottle labels designed ​for a wine manufacturing company with denomination of origin in Valencia. The variety of wine is called Merlot Syrah.

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Album cover design for PitchBend digital electronic music label

Graphic design made for PitchBend Recordings digital music label whose purpose is to promote new artists introducing them into the global electronic music scene.Our team has designed a generic album cover that people from the label could modify adapting it to various music albums and digital releases.

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Album cover design for a French electronic music producer

The original photo used for this album cover was a low contrast colour photograph however it was sufficiently large to achieve professional looking sharpness for the resolution required by the music label. The photo has been retouched and converted to high contrast black & white, then relit with vignetting effects.

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Cover design for Tip Tap records digital album relase

Graphic design for Medu from Tip Tap records digital label - "Give it up" music album cover.Produced for Tip Tap RecordsThis album cover has been designed for Medu – Artist at Tip Tap digital label.

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Electronic music EP album cover designed using minimalistic fonts

This album cover was designed for a various artist digital electronic music EP released at Black Elk Studios record label.Following an abstract nature of cybernetics science our team has designed a hyperminimalistic multicoloured album cover using highly reducted innovative fonts over smooth background.

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Album cover design for Canadian electronic music producer

For this cover design we have used heavy photo retouch to get the right contrast and color tone, also modern concensed typographies for EP, producer and label credentials.Serious and moody cover designed for Canadian electronic music artist TSDK.

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Energetic drink can label design

Graphic can label product designRobot Energy is a new company specializing in energetic drinks. Thrasher, one of the new energetic drink releases, is focused on urban and young people that are active in sports and all kind of urban adventures.

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Album cover design for a digital release produced by artists from Paris, France

Designed using advanced photo retouch and futuristic font styles..

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Vinyl cover design for electronic music group release

Electronic music vinyl cover design.

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Panda online clothing shop theme

Panda is a multipurpose responsive fashion Prestashop template bundled with many modern web design features.

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MDCI Real estate project management website upgrade

We were hired to upgrade their old website using two customized Wordpress templates of their choice – One for website header and other for the content.

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Realhomes Real Estate template

Realhomes Wordpress template comes with open source real estate management solution packed with many useful features.

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Our service is not limited to these examples; we can install and customize any website template of your choice.

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WP-Real Estate 7 template

WP Real Estate 7 is a popular Wordpress template with integrated real estate manager.

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