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Designing smooth websites and intelligent
web based systems in Marbella since 2007
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Photo Retouching

We offer high-end quality photo retouching in Marbella, Málaga, Costa del Sol. We edit and process the images to obtain professional high-end photographs for web publications, magazines, advertisments and social media.

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  • Design gallery in 3D


We edit, enhace and process product images to be used in different media as magazines, websites, ecommerce site, social media and others.

Our product photo retouchement incluides:

  • Background removal, product isolation
  • Redesigning background
  • Substitute background
  • Preparing images for different sizes and formats
  • Adjusting images for ecommerce sites and social media
  • Color adjustments, brighness and contrast
  • Framing, etc...


Cholley, Suisse company for high end cosmetic asked us to retouch all their cosmetic Collection to be included in their website banners. We ere given cut and narrow images that would not fit the web banners. We removed backgrounds, rebuild boxes and redesigned the background of the images, now being used for different media purposes.

Product photo retouching in Marbella, Málaga

Real Estate & Interior design

We provide high-end real estate images to facilitate the selling of a property and make the decoration of your house stand out. Our real estate photo retouch services include:

  • Light correction
  • Color correction
  • Vertical and horizontal adjustments
  • Brightness and contrast
  • Removal of undesired elements
  • Grass enhancement for exteriors
  • Sky replacing
  • Cable removales
  • Frame correction, etc ..

Property in:

We retouched several images of a property in La Zagaleta, Marbella. In this picture, we are enhacing and retouching the main bedroom, the image was dull, so we adjusted with more color and brightness, we removed undesired elements circled in red in order to provide the client with high end images for different exclusive real estate agencies. 

We corrected verticlas and other necessary adjustments for property publication.

Property photo retouchment for La Zagaleta, Marbella, Málaga, Costa del Sol

Ecommerce and websites

As big ecommerce portals as amazon, etsy, etc have emerged, it is of vital importance to present high-end images and stand out from competitors.

We offer professional photo retouching for online commerce and other websites. We help position the products and create a project with a solid and long term corporate identity.

  • Unifiy all the pictures of the products with the website
  • Adjustment of sizes and formats for the website
  • Color and light correction
  • Sharpening
  • Brightness and contrast adjustments, etc...

Web banner:

In this case, we redesigned the background for Cholley, to be included in their website. We also retouched their cosmetic collection for their online presentation.


High end image retouch for Cholley, Marbella
  • View slideshow portfolio

  • Design gallery in 3D

Related Web pages

Check other Smooth Step articles related to web design, photography and decoration.

Exclusive web design

We are proud to be one of few web design companies still offering exclusive design service here in Marbella.

Our design and web development services »

Web development

If you are interested in our web design services, fill our contact form below and we will help you to define clear structure, write content, design and develop your website.

Web development guide »


We offer quality professional photography services for websites, magazines, advertising, real estate agencies, etc .

More about photography »

Collegium Musicum website design

Since they are a non lucrative organization we used economic web design based on Rosa website template which we have modified and improved to fit client requirements.

Music orchestra »

Property photography in La Zagaleta

Usually, when are viewing real estate photography of a spectacular villa we don't see if the property is surrounded by other multiple villas or is more in a secluded area.

Panoramic photography »