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Photography website design & development
DSLR Magazine is a professional photography portal offers all kinds of news related to latest cameras and optic lenses, photography techniques, reviews, interviews, exhibitions, etc.
The design was produced using dark gray patterns resembling the texture of old cameras. Website has been redesigned and redeveloped adding many new features such as article and category search system, new semi-transparent panels, new banner ad sizes, video section, social networks, and others.
Since the old site was based on Joomla 1.0 - content management system programming is based on new Joomla 1.5.
This professional photography portal belongs to optics expert – Valentín Sama. Site offers a wide variety of articles about photo cameras, lenses, digital & analog photography techniques and much more.
Here you can share your thoughts with us by posting a question/comment. Your e-mail will not be shown to protect your privacy. Required fields are marked with *
Check other Smooth Step articles related to website, design and photography.
Our service is not limited to these examples; we can install and customize any website template of your choice.
IMS mortgages website is also highly optimized for SEO on Google organic search results.
Exclusive design guarantees that no other website is using the same corportate image.
Static websites are hard to edit – one has to download HTML page from the server, then modify its content and upload it back to the server.
Our real estate software is developed to provide additional speed by caching real estate listings and details data for certain amount of time, very important to prevent website slowdown when there are many repetitive requests when website is being indexed by different search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and others.